Sep 02, 2009
MFitness closed the deal with 2 different install locations in Yekaterinburg, Russia. One of the install locations is the AdmiralSky Fitness Club complete with the ROC-IT plate loaded line, as well as the CF Dual Action Smith and CF benches. So far, members of AdmiralSky absolutely love the HOIST equipment, especially the ROC-IT line. What’s amazing to the trainers is that the members realize they are not just exercising with equipment but learning correct biomechanics while enjoying fluid exercise movements
MFitness is also proud of their deal with the first and only Hyatt hotel that opened recently by the Shanghai Organization (SCO) summit. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an intergovernmental mutual-security organization, which was founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Just shortly after opening, the President of Iran even had a chance to work out on the new HOIST equipment at the Hyatt during one of his visits. The Hyatt hotel was specially constructed for international summit of heads of East European and Asian countries, which is why it was so important to have high-end equipment for demanding users, who are used to luxury and the highest level of quality.
“It was demonstration of unique features of the HOIST ROC-IT equipment, that helped us to sell.” - Alexander Kobylyatsky, Fitness Club Manager of AdmiralSky Gym
“There are 3 key points in sales of ROC-IT strength machines – demonstration, demonstration and demonstration. Once you are participating in a deal, where a few competitive brands are represented with different competitive advantages including price competition and a strong brand, it is only the demonstration of unique biomechanics of the ROC-IT line, which will lead you to success.” - Eduard Protasov, MFitness - Urals Regional Sales Manager