Nov 11, 2009

24 Hour Fitness celebrates the grand opening of their newest Super Sport location in Pearl City, Hawaii. The 46,000 square foot club is the largest 24 Hour Fitness property in the Honolulu area since 2002. The grand opening was held on November 6th with an estimated 5,000 visitors. Festivities included a ribbon cutting ceremony with Carl Liebert, chief executive officer of 24 Hour Fitness, free fitness orientations with personal trainers and promotional giveaways to all members and visitors. This new and impressive Pearl City location received tons of publicity and it continues to be the talk on the island!

To help kick off the event, HOIST offered equipment demonstrations on their world famous ROC-IT selectorized line, as well as their full commercial freeweight line. HOIST dominated the floor especially with their new CF Jungle, which features a mid row, lat pulldown, low row, triceps pushdown and crossover bars. The CF Jungle and a few other CF products were developed specifically for 24 Hour Fitness' request. Stay tuned for more information about the new CF products in our future eblasts!

