HD-3800 Inner Thigh/Outer Thigh
Inner Thigh Exercise Adjustments

To perform the Inner Thighexercise, start by adjusting the backrest to a comfortable angle by releasing the pull pin. It should be more upright for the Inner Thigh Exercise. From the seated position, the <ROM (Range Of Motion) adjustment is located to the right of the seat. Select the desired weight. With your feet on the footplates and the pads rotated to contact the inner thighs, adjust the exercise arms by pulling the adjustment lever and positioning the arms so that the thighs are as far apart as desired for the start position. The adjustments are numbered from 1 – 7 with 7 being the farthest the arm can be positioned for maximum travel.
Select the desired weight. In a smooth, controlled motion bring your knees together while exhaling. Hold for a moment, then while inhaling slowly return to the start position to complete a rep. Repeat this movement for the desired number of reps.
Outer Thigh Exercise Adjustments

To perform theOuter Thigh exercise, start by adjusting the backrest to a comfortable angle by releasing the pull pin. It should be more reclined for the Outer Thigh Exercise. Select the desired weight. From the seated position, the ROM(Range Of Motion) adjustment is located to the right of the seat. With your feet on the footplates, and the pads rotated to contact the outer thighs, adjust the exercise arms by pulling the adjustment lever and positioning the arms so that the thighs are as close together as desired for the start position. The adjustments are numbered from 1 – 7 with 1 being the narrowest the arm can be positioned for maximum travel.
Select the desired weight. In a smooth, controlled motion, push your knees apart while exhaling. Hold for a moment, then while inhaling slowly return to the start position to complete a rep. Repeat this movement for the desired number of reps.