Dec 14, 2011

After opening his first AB Fitness Center four years ago, in Winnenden, Germany, Aydin Bayrak looked at the remarkable success of his HOIST strength equipment-filled facility and decided it was time to GROW.

Aydin was looking in his hometown (around 28 kilometers away from Winnenden) named Sulzbach. He found a beautiful location—formerly a furniture and high-end flooring facility, so needless to say, he had his work cut out for him. The three-floor “loft-like” building (2,000 square meters) has a very special atmosphere.

Aydin had such a positive experience with HOIST Fitness, and Gentil Dossche (of Sport-Tiedje), that he decided to equip his new facility much like he equipped his first facility, taking into consideration member feedback about details on upholstery color and layout.

Aydin noted that his members loved his Winnenden facility so much, that some of his members would drive 20 kilometers just to work out on the HOIST ROC-IT™ product. He also noted the high quality of the machines (zero issues in four years) and loved the details added to the finish on new machines and the newly released RS Glute Master®.

Two weeks prior to the grand opening, Aydin and his staff pre-sold 100 memberships with no machines in the facility. During the grand opening weekend, he wrote another 150 memberships, because potential members we’re able to try the HOIST ROC-IT patented technology for themselves. During the grand opening weekend, Aydin was prepared to order more HOIST equipment—a statement that speaks for itself.

We are thrilled with the outcome of this installation, and look forward to the satisfaction our product brings members of the new AB Fitness, Sulzbach facility!

“I was at the Grand Opening with Aydin and his trainers...It was fun to explain the unique movement to people of all ages and sizes—everyone was excited by HOIST’s ROC-IT technology.” —Gentil Dossche, Commercial Sales Manager, Sport-Tiedje


